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June 27, 2024
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Airbnb host fees: How much does Airbnb take?

Airbnb has revolutionized the hospitality industry and taken the world by storm. The platform allows hosts to rent out their properties to travelers from around the globe, enabling property owners to put their properties to work and make extra income. However, hosts must understand the fee structure of listing properties on the platform to maximize their profits. Therefore, hosts ask about Airbnb host fees and how much Airbnb takes.

This post covers Airbnb host fees and explores how much Airbnb takes from hosts. We go into specifics, such as the 15% host fee, and break that down, as well as the allocation of service fees. If you’re a host, by the end of this article, you’ll fully understand Airbnb host fees, its structure, and how much you can expect to pay Airbnb to host on the world-leading vacation rental platform.

What percentage does Airbnb take from hosts?

As a host, listing your properties on Airbnb is subject to various fees. Naturally, these fees will impact your NET earnings.

Airbnb charges hosts a service fee, which typically ranges from 3% to 15% of the booking subtotal. Airbnb automatically deducts this fee from every host’s payout. The fee covers platform maintenance, customer support, and other operational expenses.

The standard host fee

The standard host fee on Airbnb is generally 3%. Once again, this fee is calculated on the booking subtotal. This includes the nightly rate, cleaning fee, and additional guest fees.

Here’s an example. Say a host charges $100 per night, and the guest stays for three nights with a cleaning fee of $30. The booking total would be $330. In this case, Airbnb would deduct the service fee at 3%, amounting to $9.90. This results in a $320.10 payout for the host.

This 3% fee structure is standard for most Airbnb hosts globally. However, exceptions and variations are based on specific conditions and property types.

Host-only fee structure

In 2020, Airbnb introduced a new fee structure called “Simplified Pricing,” which applies a host-only fee of 15% globally for hosts using third-party software, excluding certain regions such as the US, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, The Bahamas, Argentina, and Taiwan. This fee structure removes the guest service fee, allowing hosts to set transparent pricing that includes all fees except taxes.

Under this model, Airbnb hosts using third-party software or located in eligible regions pay a single 15% host-only fee. Guests are not charged a separate service fee, which simplifies pricing and makes listings more attractive. For example, if a booking subtotal is $330, Airbnb deducts $49.50 as the 15% host-only fee, resulting in a host payout of $280.50.

Airbnb Plus fees

Airbnb Plus is an Airbnb service that prioritizes high-quality listings that meet strict design and hospitality standards. Listings enrolled in Airbnb Plus may incur a higher service fee, typically around 14% to 16%, which covers the additional costs of enhanced services and verification processes required for Airbnb Plus status.

Historically, Airbnb has had a single fee structure for all hosts, where a service fee is charged to both the host (3%) and the guest (under 14.2% in most cases). However, based on feedback from many professional hosts, Airbnb introduced Simplified Pricing in December 2020. This fee structure imposes a flat 15% host fee globally for software-connected hosts on Airbnb, excluding certain regions such as the US, Canada, Mexico, Uruguay, The Bahamas, Argentina, and Taiwan.

Simplified Pricing removes the guest service fee, allowing hosts to set transparent pricing that includes all fees except taxes. This structure simplifies pricing strategies and enhances listing attractiveness by displaying a total price without additional guest fees. Hosts adopting Simplified Pricing have reported an overall booking increase (~17%).

What is the 15% host fee on Airbnb?

The 15% host fee on Airbnb is part of the host-only fee structure. It applies only to certain hosts, such as those using professional hosting tools or managing multiple listings. The fee structure is designed to provide a transparent, straightforward pricing model for guests.


Like the other service fees, this fee is calculated by the booking subtotal. If we use the previous example of a booking subtotal comprising $330, a 15% hot fee would mean a deduction of $49.50, leaving the host with $280.50. This fee covers all operational costs associated with the platform, including customer support, marketing, and technological development.


At first glance, a 15% fee looks substantial. However, operating with this fee structure can result in higher conversion rates and more bookings. Hosts can present a more competitive, transparent final price by eliminating the guest service fee. This can attract more travelers, for example, who decide who to book with based on price comparisons.


Hosts must strategically price their listings to maximize profitability on this fee structure. This could involve adjusting nightly rates or implementing professional dynamic pricing strategies. Doing so will help balance the higher fee while simultaneously appealing to potential guests.

Moreover, it’s essential that hosts factor in this fee when calculating their expected earnings and setting financial girls.

Does the Airbnb service fee go to Airbnb?

Yes, the Airbnb service fee goes directly to Airbnb. The fee maintains and improves the platform, helping ensure a smooth, effective, and secure experience for both parties. Revenue generated from this fee supports and improves various crucial operational aspects of the platform, including technological development, customer support, marketing, and more.

Breakdown of service fee allocation

Airbnb uses the service fee to cover many areas critical to the platform’s functionality and user satisfaction. Below are 5 of the most important areas where Airbnb allocates its service fee revenue.

  1. Technology and platform development:
    At its core, Airbnb is a technology company. Therefore, technological investment is vital for maintaining and enhancing the platform. Airbnb continuously improves its technology by improving the user interface, adding new features, and ensuring the system’s stability and security. Advancing these areas helps hotels manage their listings more effectively, providing guests with a seamless booking experience.
  2. Customer support:
    A standout feature of Airbnb is its round-the-clock support for both hosts and guests. But this is a significant investment and requires funds to maintain. The service fee helps fund its dedicated customer support team to continue dealing with inquiries, resolving issues, and ensuring smooth transactions.
  3. Trust and safety: Airbnb sets high standards for enhancing trust and safety among its users. Using service fee revenue, it supports initiatives such as background checks, fraud prevention, and developing safety features. These efforts establish trust and foster a safer online community.
  4. Marketing and advertising: Marketing and advertising are necessary components of a flourishing vacation rental platform. Airbnb invests in online advertising, partnerships with media, and social media campaigns. Using their funds to improve marketing and advertising, they help hosts get more bookings.
  5. Operational costs: Keeping the global platform running requires significant operational expenses. These include server maintenance, legal compliance, administrative functions, etc. The service fee helps cover these costs, ensuring the platform’s sustainability and growth.

Transparency and trust

Airbnb pushes for transparency with its users. They clearly outline where the service fee revenue goes. Understanding how the fee supports critical operational and service functions helps hosts and guests trust and appreciate this necessity.

Impact on host earnings

The service fee impacts the host’s earnings by deducting a small percentage from each booking. For example, with a standard 3% host service fee, on a booking valued at $500, the fee amounts to $15. After deducting this fee, the host still receives $485 in earnings. This ensures hosts receive $485 from each booking, supporting fair compensation for their services.

By contrast, the host-only fee model, with a service fee ranging from 14-16% for the same booking, would incur up to $80 in fees, resulting in a take-home pay of $420. These differences highlight the importance of effectively understanding and managing these fees to maintain profitability.

Transparency is key when it comes to managing guest expectations regarding fees. Ensure you clearly explain the fee structure in your listing description. Emphasize the rationale behind these fees, such as how they go toward platform improvements, security, and customer service, enhancing their experience. Providing this information helps guests understand the value they’re receiving from you.

Also, consider adjusting your pricing strategy to help offset the service fees. For example, implementing a professional dynamic pricing strategy can balance the higher fees with the most competitive rates during peak and off-peak periods. Furthermore, it offers added value through great service, personal touches, and quality amenities. All this can help justify the service fees for the guests, making them more likely to stay despite the fees.

How does Airbnb charge for its services?

No, Airbnb doesn’t take the full booking amount. Rather, it deducts the applicable service fee, and the host pays the rest. The precise amount taken depends on the fee structure in place.

Here are the different fee structures.

Host-only fee model

Using the host-only fee model, Airbnb deducts a service fee ranging from 14% to 16%. This amount is taken off the booking subtotal. For example, a 15% host fee from a $330 booking subtotal would be $49.50. The host receives the remaining $280.50.

Split-fee model

The split-feel model divides the service fee between the host and guest. Typically, the host pays a 3% service fee, and the guest pays a service fee ranging from 5-20%. The exact amount depends on various factors, such as location and length of stay. Using the $330 subtotal example, if the host fee is 3%, which would be $9.90, and the guest fee is $10, or $33, Airbnb collects $42.90 in service fees. The host would receive $320.10 and the guest $363.

Guest-only fee model

Airbnb might implement a guest-only fee model in certain cases. This is more likely to be true with certain listings or promotions. This fee model entails the guest paying the entire service fee.

This fee model is less common and is usually only used to incentivize hots in particular regions or during promotional periods. Here, the host receives the full booking subtotal while the guest pays the service fee on top of their booking cost.

How to track and manage your earnings

The platform's financial tools allow you to track and manage your Airbnb earnings. The earnings tab in the dashboard gives insights into completed and upcoming payouts and shows a clear breakdown of earnings and associated fees.

Using Airbnb’s integration and account software can streamline financial management. It’s important to review these reports regularly to understand your financial performance and make informed decisions. Additionally, setting up an automated and intelligent pricing tool can optimize earnings. These tools adjust rates based on demand and market trends, helping hosts maximize their revenue potential while remaining competitive.


Understanding host fees and Airbnb’s fee structures is essential for hosts. You can optimize your listings by knowing how it works and how much Airbnb takes. To sum up, Airbnb changes service fees ranging from 3% to 16%, depending on the fee model and particular conditions. These fees support operational costs such as technological development, marketing and advertising, customer support, and safety initiatives. All this helps to keep the platform running smoothly and securely for all users.

As a host, you want to keep as much of your profits as possible. Therefore, choosing the right service fee for your properties is essential. Keybee is a vacation rental management company and official partner of Airbnb that only charges a 14% flat fee of NET income in the States. This includes professional services that optimize your listings, such as listing setup and optimization, 24/7 guest communication, and pricing tool optimization.

Contact Keybee today to discuss maximizing your Airbnb profits.


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